Research & Development 2014 Update

We are delighted to confirm that 2014 will be an exciting year for product development at PKS.

In the pipeline are several new products which will provide major new functionality that you, our clients, have been asking for. Better still, these products will be simple to use and will be accessible from your web browser.


The Auditor Dashboard released late last year, has been a great success and we are now following up with the Expert Dashboard which will give you important indicators on how your Expert projects are performing. For example, you will be able to track episode volumes, auto-validation rates and rule building sessions. The first version is due to be released by the end of April 2014.

We are also introducing a number of performance enhancements to the Auditor Dashboard so it will be faster to load and more responsive in operation. These improvements will be available in September 2014.

Web Validator

We are currently developing the Web Validator which will be easier to operate, have a modern user interface and will be accessible by using the web browser on any device connected to the lab network. The deployment of Validator will be so much easier! This will be available by June 2014.

Nuanced Comments

In a sophisticated Knowledge Base there are hundreds of different comments, with many instances of comments that are very similar to one another. Each similar comment will express some nuance of the one clinical concept. This variety and sophistication is great for providing highly patient-specific reports, but the management of these nuanced comments can sometimes be difficult. In particular, you will want to prevent two such comments appearing together in the one patient report.

The ‘Nuanced Comments’ feature is an exciting enhancement at the core of our RippleDown expert-system technology to help you do just that. It will be available by the end of 2014.

Text Processor

One of the major challenges in building sophisticated Knowledge Bases is to accurately classify “free” text that may be supplied in the case, for example, clinical notes. While RippleDown already provides some facilities for managing free text, we are developing a major new product that will accurately classify any free text field found in the case, which will relieve you of the burden of having to do this within your Knowledge Bases. This product is planned for delivery in early 2015.

At PKS we strive to provide our clients with continued and superior support long after our products have been implemented. We are looking forward to meeting your needs with new product enhancements throughout the year.