Features and Derived Features

Features are high-level concepts that you can define (with rules) to aggregate concepts that will be common to many case types. Further use of these concepts makes subsequent rule building easier. A feature can be used as a condition in rules that add comments to the interpretive report. The feature itself does not appear in the report.

There are several advantages to using features:

  • Conditions using features may be more intelligible than using more complex expressions involving attributes
  • A feature may be defined as a shorthand way of expressing a pair (or more) of conditions that often are used together
  • A feature is easy to find and re-use in different rules
  • The same feature may be defined in more than one way

Derived Features are defined and used in exactly the same way as features, except that derived features may be defined using features. That is, a derived feature can be considered as a higher-level feature.

Any features or derived features given for the case are shown in their own window on the main screen, ordered alphabetically. You can see the definition of a feature by placing your mouse cursor over the feature, or by selecting it and using the right-click menu Show conditions.