Modifying an existing user group
- Click on the ‘Users‘ menu, then select ‘Manage User Groups…‘
- Select the group that requires modification and click the ‘Modify‘ button.
- Click the appropriate check box against the required options as follows:
Login Permissions allow a user to login to the corresponding RippleDown application. The following application permissions are possible:
- Report Validator
- Knowledge Builder (clinical)
- Data Entry Auditor
- Audit Knowledge Manager
- Administrator
- Translator
Project Permissions allows a user to access a specific project and its associated validation queues or translations. The following project permissions are possible:
- Knowledge Builder – this allows a user to open the specific project using the Knowledge Builder
- Original queues – this allows a user to validate the default queue for the project, or a queue defined by rules.
- Copy queues – this allows a user to review a copy queue for the project. (All copy queues are defined by rules).
- Translations – this allows a user to open a specific translation for the project using the Translator.
- Report sections (only applicable to the Data Entry Auditor) – when a report is viewed in the Auditor, only those report sections for which a user has privileges will be shown.