What can I use this for?
Derived attributes can be used in many different ways. For example, the ‘True’, ‘False’ or specific result of each derived attribute can be used in rule building, to enable rules to be built based on unlimited values for each primary attribute.
Below are some examples of how each type of derived attribute can be used:
- Numeric ranges
- Multiple ranges relating to one analyte can be created such as slightly, moderately and grossly elevated Glucose.
- Specific age ranges such as paediatric or child.
- Lists
- Specific lists grouping doctor codes together such as specialists or GP’s.
- Lists grouping hospitals or location codes.
- Double lists
- Double lists to check requesting doctor codes against copy doctor codes for the same request.
- Double lists to check billing codes against account types.
- Deltas
- Deltas can be set for analytes that have different ranges depending not only on age and sex but any other parameter such as pregnancy, location, previous results etc.
- Deltas can be used to indicate changes in results in percentage or absolute and have different limits set for increases and decreases.
- Calculated values
- Calculated attributes can be used for almost any type of function using any primary or derived attribute result.
- Calculated attributes can look for trends in results such as an increase in Glucose results over the last 4 results.
- Calculated attributes can be used to calculate eGFR, HDL/LDL ratios or any other calculated result.
- Text attributes
- Text attributes can be used to indicate history of medication such as lipid or thyroid therapy within the clinical notes.
- Text attributes can be used to indicate pregnancy or history of disease such as diabetes.
- Merged attributes
- Used to combine results of the same analyte with different units or methods such as moving Creatinine results from mmol/L to umol/L.
- Used to merge results of the same analyte when changing from one method to another such as Albumin BCG to Albumin BCP.
- Group attributes
- Used to group primary attributes together which may have a similar outcome such as the combination of nut or animal allergens.
- Group attributes can be used to indicate the presence or absence of certain tests for example checking for the presence of a 3 or 5 part differential.
- Set attributes
- Used to indicate results from groups that satisfy certain conditions such as LFT results outside the normal range or Nut allergens above the a cut off.
- Episode attributes
- Episode attributes can be used to indicate certain characteristics for each episode of the case such as Possible Iron Overload by using the Iron, Ferritin and Transferrin Saturation results.
- Can be used in conjunction with other derived attributes to give episode related outcomes such as Gestational diabetes using text attributes interrogating clinical notes along with Glucose results.