
There are several different kinds of attributes that fall into two broad categories: Primary and derived attributes.

Primary attributes represent the “raw” data sent to RippleDown by the Online Information System

Derived attributes are created in various ways from the primary attributes, and can include:

  • Ranges refer to a primary attribute and indicate which samples lie in a numerical range
  • Lists refer to a primary attribute and indicate which samples match any of a list of names
  • Double lists refer to two primary attributes, and match samples from one list depending on the value in the other list
  • Deltas refer to a primary attribute and use a table to flag cases for which there has been a significantly abnormal result or a significant change in values
  • Calculated values are derived from combinations of primary attributes using the condition functions
  • Text attributes are used for simple matching of text samples against lists of known keywords
  • Pattern attributes are used for more complex analysis of text samples, taking into account patterns of keywords.
  • Merged attributes combine two or more attributes received from the Online Information System, possibly using different units, into a single attribute
  • Group attributes refer to a collection of related primary attributes
  • Set attributes also refer to a collection of related primary attributes, but where membership in the set is determined by conditions
  • Episode attributes are used to make complex true or false assertions about individual episodes in a case and may involve multiple primary attributes
  • Plug-in attributes are defined by an externally supplied algorithm