n episodes ago picks the samples n episodes before the current one.


Consider the following case:

              01 Jun 03    20 Jun 03    08 Oct 03    15 Oct 03    02 Nov 03
ABC  2.0-4.0     2.0          2.1          2.2          2.5          1.9*
DEF  2.0-4.0                  3.2          5.0*         3.5          3.9
GHI  2.0-4.0     6.0*         5.2*         2.3          2.9          5.5*

In a condition….

ABC 1 episode ago is 2.5
DEF 2 episodes ago is high
DEF 4 episodes ago is not available

In a comment….

The comment:

    The value of ABC three episodes ago is {ABC 3 episodes ago}.

appears in a report as:

    The value of ABC three episodes ago is 2.1.

In a calculated value….

A Calculated Value Attribute, CVA, with expression:

    ABC 3 episodes ago * 2

appears in the case with these values:

              01 Jun 03    20 Jun 03    08 Oct 03    15 Oct 03    02 Nov 03
ABC  2.0-4.0     2.0          2.1          2.2          2.5          1.9*
CVA                                                     4.0          4.2

Note: in CVA the episode values for ABC have effectively been shifted to the right (and doubled).