To enter registration details for a patient, select the patient on the scan worklist using the mouse or arrow key, then click the “Register” button. The Registration form for this patient will then appear, which is a list of about 25 question and answer fields.

There are 3 types of answer fields:

  • a check box which you leave empty for “no”, and check for “yes”
  • a text field which you type into, then press [Enter] to save and move to the next field
  • a drop-down list, where you can select just one option.
  • a multiple choice list, where you can make several selections.

If this is the first visit for the patient, then all answer fields will be blank.

If registration details has been entered for this patient before, then the details from the previous visit will be loaded into the form by default. You can then edit these details as required.

Note: The first item on the Registration form is the name of the densitometer to be used to scan the patient. When you schedule a scan for this patient, the relevant registration details will be sent to this nominated densitometer.

Once you have entered all the required information, click the “OK” button to return to the scan worklist. The patient’s status will be automatically updated to indicate that their registration details have been entered.

Each time your click ‘OK’, the patient details will be updated and stored on the RippleDown server.

Once registration details have been entered, the next step will normally be to schedule a scan for this patient (see “Scheduling a scan”).