The difference list is shown in the Select Attribute or Feature step in the rule wizard. It shows the following tabs:

  • Attributes: (Only those that have been used in conditions)
  • Unused Attributes: (Only those not yet used in conditions)
  • Derived Attributes (numeric range, list, text, or calculated value attributes)
  • Features
  • Derived Features
  • Report Sections

Each tab contains a table that shows the names of the respective items (attributes, features etc), their values for the current case, and their values for the current  cornerstone case if there is one. If an item’s value if different for the case and cornerstone case, it is shown in bold type, as these are the ones that you are more likely to use. If an item has already been used in the current rule session, it is shown as coloured in the difference list.

When you select an item from the difference list, it is automatically inserted into the edit field where you build the condition. Pressing the next button will then show you the templates that can assist you to complete the condition.

Only those items in the difference list that are relevant for the current rule session will appear. For example, if you are building a rule to add a feature to the case, the list of derived features will not appear as they cannot be used in a condition for this rule. Conversely however, if you are building a rule to add a derived feature to the case, the features will appear.

Some items (derived attributes, features and derived features) can be double-clicked to quickly add them as conditions. For example, double-clicking a feature called  ‘Diabetic’ will add it as a condition if it is true for the case, otherwise the condition ‘not Diabetic’ will be added.

When you select one of the tabs on the difference list, the suggested conditions are correspondingly filtered. For example, if you select the derived attributes tab, then only  conditions that use a derived attribute will be shown as suggestions.