This training exercise gives practice in using and understanding the reports that are available from the Auditor main screen. RippleDown keeps statistics about the errors that have been detected using the Auditor which are available as reports from the Auditor main screen.

  1. Review the Demo_DataEntry queue
  2. Specify that case Case_0 was in error, and enter the reason “missed a test A”
  3. Specify that case Case_1 was not in error.
  4. Specify that case Case_2 was in error, and enter the reason “missed a test B”
  5. Specify that case Case_3 was in error, and enter the reason “missed a test A”
  6. Generate a Summary Report and check that:
    1. Total cases: 4
    2. Flagged cases: 4
    3. Error cases: 3
    4. Errors with comment “new operator”: 3
    5. Errors with action “missed a test A”: 2
    6. Errors with action “missed a test B”: 1
  7. Generate a Detailed Report and check the same information.
  8. Export the detailed report and then open the exported file using Microsoft Excel.

Finish the tutorial by typing “quit” at the command prompt.