RippleDown has the facility to ignore certain cases incoming from the Laboratory Information Systems based on rules that you define.

To specify this action:

    1. Create a workflow report section.
    2. Select an example of the type of case to be ignored.
    3. Create a comment in this section in the following format:


  1. Add the comment using the appropriate rule.

For any ignored case:

  • The case will not sent to a validator queue.
  • The LIS will not receive any interpretation back for that case, irrespective of any autovalidation setting.
  • An entry will be made in the system log file to indicate that a case was ignored.
  • The case will still appear in the archive case list.

Once you have built the rules to ignore certain cases, you can check in the server log files that those cases were ignored correctly. If you need to add, replace or remove an <ignore> workflow comment, you can do this with rules in exactly the same way as for a reporting comment.