This function takes locations on the earth’s surface in latitude-longitude coordinate pairs and returns the approximate distance between them. The function is accurate near the equator but is about 1% inaccurate at latitude 50° and is very inaccurate at latitudes higher than 80°.

For example, suppose we had the following case fragment:

               01 Jun 09         20 Jun 09         30 Jun 09
SectorFrom        LIM              KUL               LHR
SectorTo          KUL              LHR               VIE
FromLatLon        12 5S, 77 3W     3 7N, 101 42E     51 30N, 0 0W
ToLatLon          3 7N, 101 42E    51 30N, 0 0W      48 15N, 16 22E

Then the condition

distance between FromLatLon and ToLatLon > 1000

is true.