and evaluates as true if all the conditions in the and statement are true. The ampersand symbol ‘&‘ can be used as an abbreviation.

For example, given the following case fragment,

                      05 Feb 03    06 Oct 03    07 Nov 03
HDL      [2, 5.5]        7.3*         5.6*         6.1*
LDL                      1.1          0.8          pending
Trig                     3.2                       3.6
Notes                 1st note     2nd note     3rd note

HDL is high and Trig is normal

HDL is high & Trig is normal

all HDL are High and all Notes values ends with “note”

HDL > 6.0 & LDL is “pending” & Trig > 3.5

Note that more than one & may be used in a condition. However, it is recommended to use several shorter conditions, rather than a long and complex condition involving multiple & keywords.

The last example condition could therefore be better expressed as three shorter conditions:

HDL > 6.0
LDL is “pending”
Trig > 3.5