A user-defined ordering can be specified to print attributes that belong to table items on PDF documents. Just before a PDF report is printed, RippleDown looks for theĀ  existence of an Excel spreadsheet named reporting-attributes-order.xlsx in the folder rippledown/properties. If the file is found, the PDF document will be printed according to the order specified by the file.

How to define the ordering

  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet (it must be compatible with Excel 2007) with just three columns:
    • The first column corresponds to the panel code
    • The second column corresponds to the attribute external name
    • The third column corresponds to the
      ordering index. The value must be an integer number.

    The resulting file should have a similar structure to the following image:

  2. Save the file under rippledown/properties/reporting-attributes-order.xlsx

Note: the ordering is panel-based, so an attribute can have a different order values for different panels.