A case attribute (also known as a “primary” attribute) is the identification of the information relating to a test performed in the laboratory. Case attributes are automatically imported into a RippleDown project when a case is received from the Online Information System, e.g. from the laboratory.

When an attribute is first imported it may have an obscure name or code, depending on how the interface to the laboratory has been configured. Use the Attribute Editor to change the name of the attribute within the project to something more recognisable. The external name of the attribute, that is the name in the laboratory Online Information System, will however remain the same.

Many attributes that are automatically imported into the project may not be needed for building rules. You can use the Attribute Editor to hide these attributes so that they no longer appear in the view of the case.

Associated with each case attribute are values for the particular case, also known as “samples”. Depending on the type of attribute, the value could be the numerical result of a test, details about the conditions under which the test was performed, patient demographic information or clinical notes.