Where can I use it?

If a comment has a name, you can use it in rules involving

How do they evaluate?

When RippleDown evaluates a condition with a comment name for some case, the condition will be “true” if the comment is given for that case, and false if the comment is either not given, or has been removed.

For example, if a comment has name “REFLEX”, and the comment is given for the case because of some rule, then the condition “REFLEX” will be true. Conversely, if that comment is not given for the case, the condition “not REFLEX” will be true.

What happens if the comment is in a disabled Report Section?

If a comment is in a disabled Report Section like Workflow or Internal it will still evaluate as true even though the comment does not appear in the report.

Are there any rules where I can’t use a comment name as a condition?

The only rules that you can’t use a comment name in are those that:

  • Define features,
  • Derived features, or
  • Other comments