A comment name is an optional label you can set for a comment. In the example below, the name has been set to “Repeat_fasting_glucose”.

Once you have set a comment name, it will appear with an icon in front of the text of the comment.
There are some restrictions to the sorts of names that you can use:
- It can’t be the same as any other comment name. Upper and lower case differences are ignored.
- It can’t be the same as any attribute or feature name.
- It can’t be the same as a name used for a rule action, like a Report Section or Queue.
- It can’t be a reserved word, like “high” or “contains”.
- It can’t be simply a number, like “123”, although names like “C123” are fine.
As well as helping you organise your comments, any comment name can be used as a condition for building rules that set Report Sections, Queues, Autovalidation settings and so on