When you review a case, you will look at the possible errors flagged and decide if there are indeed problems with this case.

If there is no problem with the case, the ‘Request ok’ button should be pressed. This will record a ‘false positive’ in the reporting statistics for the auditor project. If you are seeing a lot of these types of cases, then you may wish to send a case to the Knowledge Builder with a note explaining that you don’t wish this particular type of case to be flagged in the future.

If an error is in fact detected in the case, the ‘Request in error’ button should be pressed. You will be asked to record the corrective action taken, using the Action Selector dialog.

It is important to record these actions as they are used for reporting purposes.


Handling a case that has one error

Handling a case that has two errors

Handling a case that should not have been flagged