It is possible to define a comment that is an instruction to RippleDown to remove a case from whichever validator or auditor queues it is on. This is typically done to remove an incomplete version of a case when a complete version of the same case is received and has a different name from that of the incomplete case. (The override is automatic if the complete and incomplete versions of the case have the same name.)

To use this facility:

  1. Create a workflow report section.
  2. Create a Calculated Value Attribute, NameCVA, whose value is the name of the case to be removed.
  3. Create a comment in this section in the following format:<QUEUE><REMOVE><CASENAME>{NameCVA}</CASENAME></REMOVE></QUEUE>

    Here, {NameCVA} is a variable in the comment.

When a comment like this is given for a case for a project, RippleDown proceeds as follows:

  1. The value of the NameCVA is evaluated.
  2. Any cases with name equal to the evaluation of NameCVA are removed from queues for the project.

This works for both Auditor and Expert projects.