For an HL7 interface, and depending on how the LIS/RippleDown interface has been implemented by the LIS supplier, you may need to set the LIS item code for theĀ  interpretation sent back to the LIS for this project. This is done by editing the text file “” in the installation directory. The default item code for the interpretation is “$Interpretation”. To change it to a different code, e.g. “lp_com”, add the following block of xml text:

    <Site Name="*">
    <Panel Name="lp">
    <Attribute External="$Interpretation" Internal="lp_com"/>

The RippleDown server will need to be restarted for changes to “” to take effect.

Similarly, for a HL7 interface, and a text-based LIS, you may need to specify a character limit for each line of an interpretation that is sent back to the LIS. To do this, another block of xml needs to be added to the file

    "", as follows:
    <Site Name="*">
    <Panel Name="lp">
    <Attribute External="$Interpretation" Internal="lp_com"/>
    <Property Key="InterpLineWrap" Value="70"/>

In this example, a line feed will be forced if a line of text in the interpretation exceeds 70 characters.