As well as providing an interpretive report, RippleDown has the facility to send an email when a case is received from the Laboratory Information System. You define theĀ  content of the email, and the address it is sent to, according to the rules you have built in the corresponding project.

To use this facility for a particular project, the recommended steps are as follows:

  1. Create a workflow report section.
  2. For a case where you want to send an email, create a comment in this section in the following format:<EMAIL><TO> </TO>

    <SUBJECT> subject of the email </SUBJECT>

    <BODY> body of the email </BODY>


    and add the comment to the report using the appropriate rule.

Only one email address can be specified per comment, however several email comments can be created for the one case. The address, subject and the body of the email can contain variable expressions if required, e.g. values from the particular case being interpreted.

Since you have disabled the WORKFLOW report section, any email comments that are given for a case will not affect the autovalidation status of that case. Furthermore, any email comment given for a case will generate the corresponding email as soon as that case has been received from the LIS, that is, irrespective of whether the case has been autovalidated.

Once you have built the rules to give email comments, you can review cases in the Archive case list to check that the email comments are being given correctly. If you need to add, replace or remove an email comment, you can do this with rules in exactly the same way as for a reporting comment.


  • If the email server at your site is offline at the time the email comment is actioned for a case, the RippleDown server will periodically try to resend the email. The default retry period is 15 minutes, but this can be changed using the Administrator. See Server Settings.
  • The RippleDown server will only try resend the email for a period of 24 hours. This retention period can also be changed using the Administrator.