This facility allows you to define a report with the following properties:

Conditions Allows uses to filter cases to be included in a generated report.
Tags Allows uses to filter report definitions in the Report Definition table for quick access.
Schedule Option Allows uses to specify to generate reports on-demand or periodically. A report will be generated periodically when a schedule is given. Periodically generated reports are stored under %RDR_HOME%/projects/reports with a file name {report-definition-name}-{yyyyMMddHHmmss}.{output-format}, e.g ReferringGPs-201302280730.xslx. For running a report on demand, please see Runing a Report Definition.
Columns Allows uses to select columns that to be included in a generated report with a specific order. If Set Conclusions are used, the report will NOT contain predefined columns “Case”, “Id” and “Date”, otherwise the predefined columns will be included.
Note: Only users with LabQ Knowledge Manager access privileges are able to add, edit or deleteĀ a Report Definition.
  1. Launch the “Report Definitions” dialog.

  2. Select the ‘Add’ button to launch “Edit Data Definition” dialog.

  3. Enter the name of the Report Definition (required).
  4. Enter the tags (optional), a comma separated values. eg. NY, Public, Patient
  5. Select output format (required).
  6. Select schedule option (required), “On Demand” by default e.g. Scheduling report generation on every Monday at 07:30
    e.g. Scheduling report generation on every last day of month at 07:30
  7. Select the ‘Add Condition’ button to add conditions.
  8. Select the ‘Edit Columns’ button to edit columns, and select Attributes, Features and/or Set Conclusions.

  9. Order columns using the “Move up” or “Move down” buttons if necessary.
  10. Select either “Report on all episodes” or “Report on current episode only”.
  11. Select the “OK” button to save the report definition.
See also: