A file of Auditor actions for the previous 24 hours is generated by the RippleDown server during its daily housekeeping.
The file is written in the directory
rippledown/projects/backup/reports, and will have the name "Actions_" followed by the date in the format: yyyyMMdd_HHmm, e.g. "Actions_20140401_1154.txt"
The contents of the file will be a heading line followed by a list of actions, one per line. An example is as follows:
CaseNumber;;Action Performed;;UserCode;;DateTimeOfAction 14P000011;;Doctor - Doctor address added;;JSmith;;24/01/2014 09:17 14P000012;;Patient - MRI added;;JSmith;;24/01/2014 09:18 14P000012;;Billing - PSA;;JSmith;;24/01/2014 09:18 14P000013;;Billing - Billing code changed to ABC;;JSmith;;24/01/2014 09:19