{attributes} is special syntax that returns all primary attributes in a case, mapped to their value, as a Values object. This is mostly used in conjunction with the for which function.

The syntax is:


Suppose that a case has these primary attributes:

na            5.1*       5.5*    5.5*
cl            10.8*      9.0*    8.8
li            60.8       100     200*

The value of {attributes} expression would produce a sample sequence in which each sample was a Values object, and each of these Values objects contained the same set of attributes, namely na, cl and li. The first sample would be

{na (5.1), cl (10.8), and li(60.8)}

The second sample would be

{na (5.5), cl (9.0), and li(100)}

The third (current) sample would be

{na (5.5), cl (8.8), and li(200)}