has value of more recently is used to compare the times at which two attributes have attained a particular value (e.g. “true”).

A potential use of this is as follows. Suppose that Text Attributes ‘OnWarfarin’ and ‘OnHeparin’ had been set up to determine, from the clinical notes, whether a patient was on Warfarin or Heparin. Then this function could be used to see which of these drugs a patient was most recently using. For example, given the following case fragment:

           01 Jun 03    20 Jun 03    03 Sep 03    15 Oct 03    02 Nov 03
GHI           y                         b2            a1          x
List1         false        false        true          false       false  
List2         false        true         false         false       false

List1 has value of “true” more recently than List2