A range defines an upper and lower numeric limit, e.g. [10,20]. A range may be open or closed at either end, giving the following variants:
[lower, upper]
(lower, upper)
[lower, upper)
(lower, upper]
lower and upper are numbers or constants defining the range.
A typical use of a range would be to create calculated value attribute. For example, if you define the constants ModerateValue = 20, HighValue = 50, and a calculated value attribute HighAllergens as
{birch, dog} in range [ModerateValue, HighValue)
then birch or dog will be included in the range for values greater than or equal to 20, but strictly less than 50, as follows:
age 6 sex F birch 20.0 dog 50.0 HighAllergens birch (20.0)
See also: in range