1. Login as a Translator user. 
  2. Select the project and translation that you require. 
  3. A three-column table will appear where each row is something that can be translated.

  1. The table contains columns for:
  • The untranslated element (eg a comment, an attribute name or a report section heading). Note that variables in a comment are denoted by $1, $2 etc.
  • The current translation for that element, or text starting with *** NOT TRANSLATED *** if  untranslated.
  • A “To do” check box indicating whether a translation is needed. 
  1. To provide a translation double click on the cell you want to edit. In the edit dialog type the translated text.

  1. Variables are shown in green, and can be deleted or inserted if necessary. They can also be moved about by dragging and dropping them where you want. 

See also:

Translator Client Overview

Creating and editing comments

Variables in comments

Changing the variables in a

Inserting expressions in the
comment manager

Triggering report translation using rules